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clock bulbs

clock bulbs

big big thankyou to marcel for the advise on how i can get to the bulbs ,i wasnt sure if it was a sealed unit or not .so that is great news i guess thats another job ive got on thanks again .glad to be part of a great site ,i only aquired my gt250r last august and its as much fun as when i raced 250lc s in the 80s the look and size of it fools so many people ,they dont believe its a 250 .nice there are only 14 of us on the road stay safe everyone

clock bulbs

hi guys ,i wonder if anyone can help .i have a gt250r and the right hand green light in the digital clock is not lighting up to tell me im indicating right .is there a way to replace the bulb or is it a sealed unit .the indicators work fine .cheers mick