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Back-up race bike build

Greetings from NZ.

I’m new here and just having a beer and thought I’d spin a yarn about my project I’m currently working on.

I bought my first Hyosung (2014 GT250R) about a year ago to race in our Hyosung GT250 stock class. The owner threw in a carb’d “parts bike” with a blown motor to sweeten the deal. It literally came with parts all over the show – 3x forks, clutch cable, throttle cable, vent hoses – everything completely stripped away from the frame except the loom.

I’ve just finished my first ever season of racing on the EFI bike and have now started going through the parts and putting the carb’d bike together.

After emptying the boxes on the floor, I found I was missing a few things – exhaust headers, rear inlet manifold, rear brake mount plate and what seems to be a seized/rusted rear brake piston. The blown engine came with it, minus the smashed rear cylinder and head as well as the soon to discover rare as hens teeth….. rear inlet manifold! Not a wrecker in NZ had this, nor did Hyosung NZ/Korea or USA. Europe had one but after placing the order, 3 weeks later the order was cancelled as their inventory was incorrect. I finally convinced a fellow racer to sell me his spare. I have sinced sourced evrything I’m missing (I hope) and have started putting it all together.

The bike was set up as a race bike and was running fine before the engine blew 2 years ago.

I stripped the carbs completey down and cleaned them out for no reason other than they had been not been in use for 2 years, and I wanted to see how they worked. Down side to this was, when I was cleaing out crud with a pick, I touched the little brass hollow screw head and it literally fell off! I put a socket on the second one and started to apply pressure, and it too, fell off – be careful with these if you ever need to touch them. I also ripped a fuel hose between the float bowls – not a great start.

Parts sourced and carbs now back together. I put the engine and carbs into the frame. I found a good post in this forum on carb vent hoses which was extremely helpful along with fuel ‘pump’ and hoses (thank you). I had taken the battery from the efi bike and hooked it up to the carb’d bike and tried to start it but it failed to start. Problem seems to be no spark at either spark plug.

Thats where I’m up to for now. I’m guessing I’ll post in the Technical forum to problem solve this.

See the link below to the first round highlights put together by a chap at TT Kiwis – this is one day of racing (4x races). There are about 6x Kawasaki 400’s on the grid fighting for their own championship points, the rest of the field is about 35-40x Hyo GT250’s (all years).

Some pictures below of my project.

2nd primer paint job after 1x highside and 1x lowside on the efi bike



Parts laid out to see whats missing
Carbs stripped and cleaned
Be carefull with this little guy