  • Topics: 45
  • Replies: 2,040
North UK


Check out this topic regarding mirror suggestions especially to do with extending it.

Mirrors, rubbish


As this is a new *injected* bike. Last thing we want to is add wrong electrics or poor exhaust / intake mods that will upset the ecu / make it run weird.  So i am heavily researching this bike as it shares zero parts from previous (CARB) GV125s.

For now, at the shop, there is spark plugs which burn a little cleaner than stock so that should improve throttle response just a tad.

I want to do a 530/525 kit exclusively for the efi 125 gv. Please PM me so i can discuss your rear sprocket for gearing as i will get one made.

Older GVs were proven to max out 91-94 while overtaking, with zero mods.  just a 520 kit!  See below 😉

He is not even at redline yet.

// Meditation doesn't mean you have to sit still....