Forums 🚦 HYOSUNG CULTURE 😃 General Chat GT125R Cold Weather Death Reply To: GT125R Cold Weather Death
Dec 3, 2024 at 8:29 PM
That’s a lot!
– How about we do this to stop any hydrolocking issues as that would mean a big disaster later!
- Remove the fuel and vacuum line going to the “TAP” on the tank , GET A BUCKET! , if fuel pours out….even a drip drip
Replace the tap! - If not, but when you crank the bike, with throttle closed (don’t touch throttle), fuel is dripping a tiny bit in to fuel filter
Replace the tap - If you are sure the tap is OK, then remove the intake manifolds (the rubber pipes going to engine cylinders)
Replace the O-Rings you see there
These orings can also a LOT of vacuum loss sometimes, and this is why you have a hard time starting and the taps & pump are not opening properly due to vacuum loss. - If the O-Rings are ok , replace them anyway , and you will be alright for a good long while and use STAINLESS bolts on the intake pipes because it is not fun drilling out stuck rusted cylinder bolts!
- Open the fuel pump (see if anything looks broken inside) (if it says MIKUNI on the back, then it is Genuine) = > If suspicious or unsure, just replace the pump with a NEW one (I would not trust used pumps)
- The bike will start to hate running on the tap, so that’s why Hyosung put a pump on it. It is advised to put it back or get a new one and refit the vacuum lines properly again.
If having a new pump ==> Crank bike for 5 seconds max => You should see fuel SHOOT out of the pump going to the carb … this means TAP & PUMP are OK now…
If its doing “little drop” (*very little drops*) , then go back to my comments above again ^ before reading below….
We need to make sure the fuel system is actually sending fuel properly first… - Open the “OIL FILLER” CAP next to your clutch cover ==> Sniff hard, if you smell FUEL inside ==> drain oil & replace filter!!!
Use motul 7100 oil
If you need a tutorial
Click here - If the oil is fresh and good, you saved a lot of money and possibly broken crank!
- Get fresh CR8E plugs again (yes again) , don’t bother with CR8E-IX (blue box) , they are rubbish on 125cc Hyosung — Keep it stock or use LASER NGK
If both plugs are sparking WHITE-BLUE , the coils are OK
If plug is sparking faint colour => Damaged coil or HT Cap (NGK HT cap is better)
If replacing one coil , replace both (keep the old one as spare!)
Your plugs will thank you! - If you crank the bike, and plugs are WET from fuel ==> Coils , Cap , Stator , CDI problems
(Sometimes = Clutch switch will stop sparks , replace it here — DONT BYPASS!)
(sometimes “Kickstand Switch” is an ass hole, and it must be cut off from bike, it is very annoying…. Make sure the kickstand plug is “bridged” (bypassed)
Don’t forget to check stand before riding!!!)If kickstand switch is bypassed already , maybe water has got inside that plug and turned to rust, check those wires …. if CDI thinks its “missing” , it will not spark or cut sparks after 1st gear == make sure the wires are good there and water proof it hard from rain and salty wet road!
I can’t stress this part. - If fuse box has rusty fuse, replace it. No questions asked, that’s an easy 2volt loss there! use blue 15A fuse only.
Try all this and let us know of improvements ?
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