Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Abandoned gt650r problems Reply To: Abandoned gt650r problems
Thankyou for your reply! It’s definitely eased alot of my worries! Don’t worry everything you said makes sense to me.
1. I’ll order a new clutch kit and bearing then and inspect the basket when I install. Hoping the basket is okay tho. The clutch did need alot of work to get to stop dragging when I first got it so fingers crossed it’s just the plates.
2. Ah yes I’ve seen them before, thankyou.
3. Okay seems to be normal for this bike then, as my ninja 650 had no where near as much air movement that’s what got me worried too
4. Yeah is slows down and get up going smoothly, maybe a slight hesitation or hiccup when accelerating from cruising but taking off and “flooring it” is very consistent.
Havnt noticed anything weird with the dash, the tacho has behaved normally and in accordance to what the bikes doing from what I’ve seen.
It’s hard to explain, it just doesn’t feel at full power. Like 3\4. I’m thinking keep running better fuel in it and I’ve still got about 3 tanks of injector cleaner to go. See if it slowly gets better or if not I might replace the injectors, pump and filters and clean out the lines and tank. As a last resort