Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Abandoned gt650r problems Reply To: Abandoned gt650r problems
Oct 24, 2024 at 11:13 AM
Welcome, no post is too long!
I will see if i can give you tequila shot style replies ? If i did not make any sense to you, just ask again and I will elaborate for you!
- Thrust Bearing / Cracked or Distorted Plates / Worn Plates / Clutch Basket Attention.
- Find a “DOWTY SEAL” (about 14-15mm hole size) , it does wonders and also “thread tape” (in to the plug itself)
- Clutch and Flywheel will spin a lot to forcing some kind of whirlwind inside crank, on top of the pistons moving up & down , some pressure is OK , as long bike is generally running OK. I would not panic just yet , so moving to #4
- Fuel Related = Does it calm down and pick up speeds OK if you build up the revs slowly ?~
Electric Related = Does the dashboard go haywire ? jumping revs ? (regardless if you nurse it or twist throttle fast?)
Need more info on this behavior of #4
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