Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Speedometer and fuel gauge issues

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    • #3044
      • Topics: 1
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      Gtr 250

      Hey everyone !

      Getting right into it,

      My hyo GT250 (naked) has issues with the speedometer and fuel gauge. The speedometer is wrong showing a out 10km too fast than actual speed sometimes more. I know motorcycle speedos are always a bit off but it was never that much before.

      My fuel gauge, is also wrong. I’ll fill up and the needle will just move bellow empty and then freely go up and down whenever until I’m at about half tank where it will show half tank and stay there for a while then when in low it will go low, then I fill up and it happens again.

      I asked my mechanics about at my last service and they said it’s got to do with the electrical stuff on the inside of the bike which happens when it gets old. (2006 bike)

      The speedo got replaced less than half a year ago because someone thought it be nice to smash into it and break the old one.

      Any suggestions how I can fix these issue ?!?

      Thanks in advance !!


    • #3048
      ♠️ MARCEL
      • Topics: 45
      • Replies: 2,040
      North UK

      Hey Lola & welcome,

      Your profile says GTR250 but its a naked you mentioned? So i will assume this is talking about manual speedos  (rather than a digital screen)

      Let’s try this…
      1. Has the cable been inspected?   If so (& is new)  ,then consider the “speedo drive” which is attached on the left side of the front wheel.
      If you have a “BLACK” wheel sensor with electric cables,  it may be this unit itself but its hard to self repair digital speed sensors.  We either clean them  or  replace them entirely.

      Mechanical SENSOR (silver in colour usually) has a thick cable going straight in to the dash console.

      Do you have a picture of the speedo ? (Click “Add media” above the reply box) to attach one.
      Least I can see you have a speedo that matches your bike (& its year/age)

      It would be easier to comment on the fuel gauge it has ,  some dashes are digital (meaning the sensor inside the tank is at fault  rather than an old school mechanical level display with a red moving needle.)

      I will be honest, even both of my hyosung bikes GT & GTR the fuel levels can be optimistic sometimes but they get a bit more accurate once i drop 2-4 bars from full lol.

      Let us know how you get on 👍

      // Meditation doesn't mean you have to sit still....

      • #3057
        • Topics: 1
        • Replies: 1
        Gtr 250
        Here’s a photo. Sorry I’ve only been home once dark, I can take a better if need be. 
        It’s all mechanical, old school. And the speedo drive is new to the bike but second hand from a wreckers, from memory the old one had the same problem before it snapped. 
        Thanks ! 
    • #3058
      ♠️ MARCEL
      • Topics: 45
      • Replies: 2,040
      North UK

      Okay i see the dash, it has the mechanical fuel sender

      Not sure if it was done before, but if the cable is removed and the front wheel drive has been cleaned off foreign debris,  refit it all back & go for a quick test ride.

      if not, my bet would most likely be that the speedo drive could be replaced for another ,  if it was new as you said,  then the next process of elimination would be the cable itself ,  before attacking the dash last.

      Fuel Gauge,
      You can remove the whole instrument cluster off the steering base, be sure to watch the cables.
      Loosen the instrument cluster from its own mounting bracket too, as it helps gain access to the fuel gauge under it.
      The gauge has 3 wires and short plug going to it,  it should come out on its own under the dash for inspection.
      With the fuel gauge unit exposed on the table,  gently (& slow) push the needle up then see if it comes down on its own fast or slow without hesitation ?

      Also clean the terminal plugs if there was signs of debris. Refit the whole dash back.
      As you ride, see if it still behaves that way again?

      You can then drain the fuel tank, look at the fuel sender inside the tank, take it out.  Some have a small bolt attached to one of the linkages of the float, tighten a little and refit it back.
      Clean the plug of the sender to incase of any rust or debris in terminals.  The sender’s resistance signal changes as the fuel goes up then towards empty, this tells the dash what level to tell you its at, so good condition wiring helps near the terminals.

      There is about 3 types of senders in all GT (any cc) (IIRC), some have a long arm float , some have a big spindle type design – You would only know when its taken out.   Just be sure to keep the main seal clean from any future leaks, it can be hard to find on its own lol.

      Your last resort likely be a replacement of the gauge (dash side) or level sensor (tank).  Age can wear down some moving parts, always good to have a look.

      // Meditation doesn't mean you have to sit still....

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