Mike Daborn
  • Topics: 3
  • Replies: 16


i removed as much as possible from the carbs except the pilot screws. Everything was cleaned. I fitted the carb rebuild kit, pilot jets and needle jets and float needles. Floats set at 7mm.  I fitted the carbs to the airbox to get a tight seal using the new stainless clamps and then fitted the carbs to the manifold rubbers, again with new clamps plus o rings on the manifolds. Everything was airtight as far as I could tell. Actually the best fit I have achieved to date. I fitted the Laser Iridium Plugs, new coils and leads.

The bike would turn over but wouldn’t start. There were healthy sparks to both plugs but no fuel. I checked the obvious and then bypassed the fuel pump using a mobile fuel line and the bike started. It idles but dies when revved. I suspect there may be an issue with the pump but clearly I have not solved the carb issues.

I don’t know where to go from here.