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I would be shocked as to why a NEW gasket kit would cause a bike not to start again, that’s bizzare! – He did something that he does not want to admit , because it’s a GV Aquila 125 Carby, let me tell you this … It is VERY stressful to “perfectly” align the airbox , hence we did tutorials for it.
I suspect….
- Intake O-Ring has smudged or crapped up , during refitting it (if you see our tutorial , you will see why its an easy mistake to make)
- If he didn’t remove the carbs or airbox out of the bike, and did the rebuild kit while the carbs were in situ, then likely floating dust got in the carbs before he closed it all up
- The “middle big snorkel” that connects the top airbox and the side-right airboxes may be loose.
It sounds stupid, but I’ve worked on many customer GV125 bikes, they are VERY fussy to start if something is amiss during refitting parts back, so it’s worth having a look, and if it does run, you may be leaking out air or loosing vacumm through one part of the intake system that’s loose or missing (ie. o-ring under in the intake pipe by the cylinder heads)
Maybe the fuel filter is facing the wrong way when the tank was fitted back in ?
55=60 mph uphill is decent, and now it’s doing less, i would get the mech sort out what he did and pay the collection fees.
As a side note:
- When it’s warm , get compression readings (important!) = Both plugs must be out , crank bike at full throttle. Tell us the PSI on each cylinder
- Valve clearances ? (as per manual its around every 4k to inspect or change tappets) (The longer it goes without it done, the more MPH it looses and it gets harder to start)
- Clutch = Big girl fella, the 125 plates wear down almost the same rate as the front caliper pads do , hence manual repeats that around 4k ish , check the clutch “measure the plates” , and “measure the springs” , clutch fatigue will drop power.
Simon’s right though , takes a day to sort the carbs out , unless he was waiting for parts or doing engine clearances the same time (since engine was exposed, would be a good time to check clearances as a good measure for servicing to alert the customer if engine still in spec or not)
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