Forums 🚦 HYOSUNG CULTURE 😃 General Chat GT125R Cold Weather Death Reply To: GT125R Cold Weather Death
Sounds like you need to drain the oil out entirely (grab fresh one and fresh oil filter)
Next , go to the stator cover , remove it carefully and SLOWLY (the flywheel has a strong magnet) , so it might try to pull the case back in and also there is a “STARTER Motor SPROCKET” idler gear (looks like this)
Then once the cover is off (don’t forget to carefully disconnect stator plugs near the rear shock / regulator area) , put it aside nicely.
Have a BRIGHT torch, check the “Flywheel SPROCKET” (like this one) , spin it ONE direction and check for broken teeth,
Spin the sprocket the OTHER WAY
===> If it moves ==> Sprocket SPRAG CLUTCH is damaged
===> If it DOES NOT MOVE ==> Then the sprag clutch should be one.It should only spin ONE-WAY (sprag clutch looks like this)
if sprag clutch is damaged , DO NOT buy 250cc version. (it will not fit!)You could probably repair your old sprag balls, with this one….
Here is a full diagram of your starting system behind the flywheel…
This is your starter motor below
It sounds like in the video the starter motor is struggling to spin the engine (with or without plugs)
Having a replacement starter motor is not a bad idea 👍
Old Starter motors that spin too slow make it hard to start!
Thanks for being so helpful friend, honestly.
I tried to bump start the bike. But engine just coughed abit and cut out, there was a slight hissing sound maybe, so ill change the intakes, carburetor and start motor. Smh