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Strange , visit ManualsLIB website again and use GV250 or GV125 service manual yes the 125cc version uses the same clearances as its 250cc sister. The system used is “Suzuki Cam Under Bucket” (Shims in a Tappet)” , so its definitely advised to use the service manual.
If fuel is coming out of that straw, you have jammed float seats (so replace the entire float pin and float seat even, since the float pin has a spring inside) , then use make sure floats are 7mm height and it will raise up to about 13-17mm when the bike is running
However, look at my reply in this topic
if it is adamant the float system is OK, then look to check the slides (diaphragms) are not stuck as fuel will come of the Slide Needle as the revs go up
Also check the slide needles are in correct position using this guide
[Tutorial] How to adjust Carb Slide Needle (Tuning) – Hyosung GV & GT 125/250
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