Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Gt250 almost no compression Reply To: Gt250 almost no compression
I ran the bike today with an aux tank , still hooked to pump. There is a steady stream of fuel coming out of the front carb where the red straw is in the photo while the bike is running. I pulled the float bowls the other day and confirmed that the fuel flow stopped when pushing the floats up. I have no idea what I am missing here or why I would have this much pressure to cause the stream. I’ll put a pic of the aux tank setup. Also I haven’t found the service manual yet to see procedures for checking the valve clearances. As far as just checking the clearance I don’t think it would much different than my old ninja 500,cam lobes in a neutral position and such. Also,if I am posting this in the wrong spot let me know.