Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Indicator fault – 2009 GV125 Reply To: Indicator fault – 2009 GV125
When you connect the multi meter to the indicator wire= You may say 12v 0 12v 0 12v 0v in quick succession if its working , but do you get any “pulsing” voltages at all ?
The harness of the bike must be the one to actually send power down the lines in the first place before the bulb flashes ?
If the REAR LEFT & REAR RIGHT are working = Relay is OK.
Sounds stupid, but be wise , connect 2 scrap wires from the shed to the battery and connect it to your indicator itself ?
If it flashes , it was the harness likely having a break somewhere or a kink or a rusted patch if water went under the airbox
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