Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Gv650 having trouble shifting Reply To: Gv650 having trouble shifting
It uses 10w40 oil , about 3.2L-3.5L of it. You fill the oil via the clutch side filler cap
I would open the clutch to make sure the whole clutch system is OK including the bearing
Then re-adjust the clutch cable to allow a little bit of freeplay before the cable pulls the clutch
Then check the “shifter assembly” near the foot peg
Put the bike on the “LIFT” or bike stand (whichever suits you) i find that lifts work best for low slung cruisers rather than paddock stands
Spin the rear wheel in neutral and have someone else squeeze the clutch in, and try to ask them to squeeze in (shift up) , let go , squeeze in (shift up again) etc
You will know if it is a gearbox problem at that point
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