Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help GV250DR 2020 – Manual Reply To: GV250DR 2020 – Manual
Unfortunately I couldn’t find the correct manual in the list Geoffrey provided.
It is not so much the issue of the parts, because from say koreanbikeparts or even local mechanics and what not, I can get what I need. I want the manual for several reasons.
I want to have the information available at hand. My previous bike was a 2007 carbie 250 Aquila, and I had the book so I knew all the torques for the screws and what not. most of these things are fairly “common knowledge”, and I guess I can make adjustments, or go by the EFI book.
But still, there are slight differences such as the bigger front rim, the disc brake in the back, etc. I’m pretty sure that the engine is a carbon copy of the EFI 250, so whatever fits in it is interchangeable. however brake pads, the DR has a 19″ in the front, I’m not certain if the disc is the same… And don’t get me started on electronics.. If the DR has an ABS system as opposed to the regular “old” EFI version… The fuse system is different…
It’s little things like that.
Bottom line is, getting the filters, changing the oil (and what is actually pretty crucial for me at this point – the chain and sprockets) I can figure out and do on my own fairly easy. Say adjust the torque on the rear axle bolt to 85 ft lbs or whatever.. sure. I want the reassurance of the manual, which I’m guessing is fairly understandable.
The model is close enough to the old EFI for me to feel safe regarding some things, and yet different enough in other aspects that I would really, really like that written word for back up.