Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help GT650 Comet EFI 2010; Stalling issue at idle after revving Reply To: GT650 Comet EFI 2010; Stalling issue at idle after revving

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North UK

Hi, Just joined and have been reading through this topic since I seem to be facing a similar issue, for the second time. I own a GT250 EFI 2013 and a few years ago I started facing stalling and misfiring issues roughly after about 15 minutes that the bike is on. I spent may hours trying to diagnose the problem including the replacement of ht cables and plugs, ECU change, and injector cleaning. In the end the problem were the ignition coils. I started with replacing one which reduced the missing significantly but since I was still getting some misfiring I replaced the second one as well. There were no external signs that any of these were heating up and getting intermittent. For the past 2 years I have had no further issues but lately it seems the problem is starting to rear its head again though not as significantly. I am assuming it is the coils again but I am somewhat disappointed if the coils fail again after such a short period. I don’t make heavy use of this bike since I prefer my scooter for city riding.

Maybe you could make a new topic about this ? and perharps include more information about the history of the bike etc and what you did in the past to fix anything etc , and any modifications done to it etc… Do this all in a new topic and trust me if i don’t reply , someone else will and also simon on this forum is a good 250 wizard himself ,  even helps to also upload any video about it  (you can upload to your instagram or youtube and set video to public, then share link here, if it helps)

Welcome to the forum and hope maybe one of us will help you fix the bike

While you wait,  take a look at the service manual that’s on this forum and try to trick your ECU to get any stored error codes.

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