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On topic sort of . Just did a compression check : Both cyl peak at 140 psi with throttle WFO and engine relatively warmed up. Before this, the engine was smoking from the exhaust . When I removed the spark plugs ,the the rear was black with soot while the front appeared normal. I assume the rear is running rich?Jetting issue?Carbs recently rebuilt . Both jets were the same in the kit,but if memory serves the factory calls for bigger on one vs. the other . I assume again it is for cooling? ( this bike was/is a basketcase owned I believe by Methhead gangsta mechanics.)It is a 2008 gt250r with 7300 miles on the odometer So my next step is to check the valve clearance then test. I really don’t want to pull the carbs again as the clamps have to be placed precisely to avoid interference with the carb linkages. I very well may just be an idiot(likely) Also,egr at rear cyl is capped off both intake nipples are tee’d to fuel pump.The small tee fitting has been eliminated between the carbs and the left side (bowl overflow?) is joined with no vent.
I think beyond confusion there may be a question or two above.