Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 🔧 Hyosung Technical Help Fuel related Reply To: Fuel related
Hmmm, do you know what jets are inside the car already ? – Pilots = size? front and rear. – Mains = sizes ? front & rear. Can you also get 3 pictures of your spark plugs ? – Side view (threads) = I will gauge if motor is overheating or not or oily threads etc… – Top center view (I’d like to see how dark the middle cone is (how well its sparking vs fuel mix vs air) – Name of the plug (ie. CR8EHX incase previous owner put the wrong plugs for it) Keep us posted with the specifics , i shall help narrow things down for you sir
their both stock jets with a aftermarket exhaust, plugs wise I do have some new iridium plugs to go in, I can get you photos tomorrow