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Did you get the new parts from this site or somewhere else ?
How is the regulator ? How is the stator ? = These 2 parts (if not in spec by meter readings) will definitely make them weakest links for ignition systems and charging systems.
Stator is part of sparking system due to the fact it supplies energy (yellow wires) and communicates to the CDI how fast the flywheel is spinning etc (blue/green wires)
So the stator must output least 70v at 5k revs max. 80-90v is optimal. Max is 99v. The korea OEM stators are infamous worldwide either 125 or 650 or 250, most owners upgrade them. There isnt much positives about them.
Same goes for the regulators, it is usually the 1st thing we change electric wise for something better.
Reg will say 14v both idle and 5k revs = any less than 13.5v (whatever revs) = must change. Manual also says this.
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