Forums 🚥 PiT STOP 👨🏭 Tutorials | DIY Diagrams Guides How to change Vacuum Lines on Hyosung GT125R GT250R & GT Comet (Air Hose Diagram) Reply To: How to change Vacuum Lines on Hyosung GT125R GT250R & GT Comet (Air Hose Diagram)
Mar 23, 2022 at 7:52 PM
You can buy EGR blanking plates at the website shop above menu.
Also, you can do this ….
Intake pipe 1 = hose.
Intake pipe 2 = hose.
Run both hoses to the back —— > T PIECE JUNCTION —– Junction 1 to tank & Juntion 2 to tap.
if that was too confusing, do it how the Koreans did it originally below in a simplified way…
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