Forums 🚦 HYOSUNG CULTURE ☕️ New Member Intros hello from Washinton state, USA. Reply To: hello from Washinton state, USA.
hi marcell, sorry i didnt respond asap, but i got that rsv flu shit and was pretty sick . but now im back and still going to work on my GV 650. so i followed your fuel /vac pictures from another member. those pics were just what i needed to put the lines to thier OEM spot. Now it only starts with the choke on all the way . give it any gas and she dies. now i took the carbs out two-3 mo ago and cleaned out the pilot jets only, they were plugged. and put back together again but still only starts with choke on . they most likely got plugged again. so im about to do the whole thing over again. do you think that it is the pilot jets still or should i do the total carb rebuild, im not very good at doing carbs at all. everybody says that when it only starts with the choke on that it is the pilots jets. are they all right. it ran great for months then one day in the middle of warm up it dies. and has not started since. if you could find time in your busy day to guide me a little . i have pictures too if needed. and one more thing the hose that comes from under the tank is just a drain flow to ground , so put a hose on it to drain to ground 12-16 inches or so???? thank you nick from WASHINGTON state .
nick hilgert